Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Totally Not So Secret Secret 2014 Project of Secret Awesomenss!!!!

It has been a while, my friends. Lots of changes have happened in my life that have prevented me from actively pursuing blogging. I hope to change that this coming year. As a way to help ensure that, I will be partaking in an adventure that will see me all the way through 2014.

In collaboration with my good friend, Miss Morgan, we proudly present our newest hairbrained scheme:


For those of you who don't know, Morgan and I are yarn smiths. We both knit and crochet, and have a passion for a good yarn on our hooks and needles. Mostly, we have made small projects. Hats, scarves, mug cozies, shawls, and Morgan has been adventurous enough to make a baby blanket. But neither of us have been brave enough to try a full sized, can actually wrap an adult in it, blanket. So, that's our challenge. We have each picked a project that we think will not only be a real challenge for our skill sets, but will also become an heirloom for generations to come .

Tomorrow, I'll go into more detail on what projects we're doing. Patterns, yarns, etc.

For now, though, may you all enjoy your New Year's Eve! Happy 2014, everybody!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fingerless Gloves Crochet Pattern

After looking around ravelry, I couldn't really find a good fingerless glove pattern that I liked. I tried one pattern, but didn't like how the closed rounds looked on the finished glove. So I did what I always do and improvised! These gloves are made in a continuous round. Gauge is not super critical. After Row 1, try glove on to make sure it fits.

  • Worsted weight yarn
  • Size I crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors or yarn cutter
Chain 22. Slip stitch to join
Row 1: Chain 2. hdc in beginning stitch. hdc around. (22)
Row 2: hdc around. (22)
Row 3 - 8: hdc around. (22)
Row 9: hdc (9), ch 4, sk 4 hdc, hdc (9). (22)
Row 10: hdc (9), hdc 4 in ch 4 spc, hdc (9). (22)
Row 11: hdc around. (22)
Row 12 - beyond: hdc around until desired length is achieved.
Last Row: hdc (20), sc (1), slp st.

Weave in ends.

  • Add rows for larger palm area between rows 2 - 8
  • For gloves longer than wrist length, add an increase at 1st and 11th hdc stitches in rows after wrist length has been achieved. Continue to add increases in rows until width is achieved. In final row, work hdc until last 2 stitches. Then sc 1, slp st. Weave in ends.

Friday, January 25, 2013

New Year's Resolution

I know I'm a little late, but Happy New Year!!! :D

I've worn my family out with all the stuff I've made, so now it's time to flood blogger with them again!

We'll start off with something I consider to be among the COOLEST and most AWESOME things I've made.

My Half-Moon Shawl by Lion Brand. I finished the top blue section and then just went off on my own. I don't think I've ever done a full pattern from start to finish yet. haha

It only took me a week to do, which really surprised me. I had a lot of fun making it.

And a little more info on the yarn.

The light blue is a wonderful angora blend I got from New England Restoration Yarns. Can't recommend them enough.

* The dark blue and olive green is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Tweed in Marine and Dill.

* I also have some green tweed mixed in with the knit picks that I believe is a discontinued color of Rowan Tweed.

* The brown/cream is a locally made alpaca from Coffee Pot Farms. I got it at a local mill festival.

And the link to my ravelry project page.

Plenty more projects coming in 2013! Cheers!